In order to ensure that you are adequately prepared to make the most of your Camporama experience, please take note of the following information. Additional details will be added as they become available. Please check back frequently for updates.
Participation Requirements
Boys may attend the Camporama who meet the following qualifications:
- Have graduated from 3rd grade and be 9 years of age on or before July 10, 2022. If graduated from 3rd grade and still 8 years old he must be accompanied by his father or his legal male guardian. (No exceptions to these rules.)
- Must complete online registration and the Parental Consent and Medical Authorization (PCA) form for minors.
- Boys turning 18 yrs old by the last day (July 15, 2022) of camp will be required to have pastor’s signature on the Assumption of Risk (AOR) form for adults but will be registered as a boy to participate in boy activities.
Men may attend Camporama who meet the following qualifications:
- Must be 18 years old by July 10, 2020.
- Must be approved by his pastor and complete your church’s leadership screening process.
- Must complete the registration process and submit the Assumption of Risk (AOR) form for adults.
All registered campers must be of the male gender (with the exception of registered, international female Royal Rangers). Otherwise, females may attend as visitors.
Arrival & Departure
Gates to the campgrounds will open at 1:00 pm on Sunday, July 10. Outposts may enter, complete the onsite check-in process, and begin setting up camp at that time. The first meal provided will be dinner on Sunday night. The camp will officially conclude on Friday morning, July 15 with breakfast being the last meal served. The camp will close at 3:00 pm. All outposts are asked to be off the property by that time.
Meals & Snacks
A complete list of daily meals will be provided here a few weeks prior to the start of Camporama. Individuals with food allergies or dietary limitations are encouraged to bring their own meals to Camporama as alternative menu options will not be available.
Snack bars will be open during designated times to provide additional food options for campers or visitors. View the menu here.
Physical Conditions & Health Issues
Campers must be in good physical condition. Camporama is an outdoor, camping event conducted over a large area. Trails and roads are not paved, and only limited transportation will be available between areas of activity. Campers should, therefore, be prepared to walk considerable distances (1000 ft or more) over uneven ground to fully participate in all events and activities.
All prescription medications must be registered with the Camp Hospital upon check-in. Some medications may be required to be kept at the hospital while others may be kept by the camper’s leader or parent in the campsites, depending on the medication or situation involved.
Handicap Access
Handicap access is currently very limited at Camp Eagle Rock. Roads and trails are not paved, and buildings and restrooms may not accommodate wheelchair access.
Charging Stations
An enclosed and manned charging station is available at each regional headquarters. These charging stations are for their region’s use. A check-in and check-out process has been established and will be followed by all individuals using these charging stations. Telephones and chargers for CPAP batteries take precedence over other electronics. To check your electronic device in you must have the full charging cord assembly attached to the device. There will be no sharing of cords or disconnecting someone else’s cord to connect to yours. A tag will be affixed to the charging cord to verify ownership at check-in and confirmation at check-out. Check with your region for the designated hours of operation for this service.
CPAP Units
Due to the size of the camping areas we cannot provide power to individual tents or campsite. As such, all CPAP type machines must be brought with their own battery power (generators are not allowed to be brought by campers for their individual use). As noted above, each region will be providing a charging station. Same rules apply for CPAP units: to check your CPAP battery in for charging you must have the full charging assembly attached to the battery.
For example: If a car battery is used to power a CPAP, then the battery must be accompanied with a battery charger.
It is recommended that you put your name on your battery and charger. There will be no sharing of cords or disconnecting someone else’s charger to connect to another battery. A tag will be affixed to the charging cord to verify ownership at check-in and confirmation at check-out.
Emergency Contacts
Limited telephone service will be available at the camp. Due to the mountainous terrain, cell phone coverage is generally weak. Detailed emergency contact numbers will be made available early next year.
Dress Code
The weather this time of year in Missouri is very hot. Typical summer weather shorts, camp t-shirts, etc. are the norm. Muscle shirts (sleeveless) are acceptable for men and boys to wear. Bathing suits must be modest for the camp setting (no Speedo’s). Sturdy walking shoes are strongly recommended. Shirts and shorts worn should be consistent with a Christian-based event.
Female visitors to camp are asked to dress modestly during their visit to Camp Eagle Rock.
Uniforms are not needed at Camporama. All campers will receive (2) camp t-shirts for use during the camp.
Additional Camp Info & Promotional Materials
A variety of additional materials are available to provide more information on the camp and to serve as resources for you in promoting the event among your boys, leaders, and parents.
- Outpost Action Plan - provides a concise overview of all promotional materials available to you, how to use them, and where to get them. Also includes a step-by-step action plan for getting your group ready for Camporama. (see downloads page)
- Camporama Leader Guide - a more complete reference providing all the details on Camporama. (see downloads page)
- Informational Handout - provide copies of this handout to all your boys, leaders, and parents to give them all the basic details about Camporama. (see downloads page)
- Information Worksheet - Use the Information Worksheet to gather registration information from all your boys & leaders for use when registering online. All registrations must be received by June 15. (see downloads page)
- Promotional Video - download the Camporama promotional video (see downloads page) to show in your church or view it online on our YouTube channel.
- Fundraising Ideas - check out these fundraising ideas provided by BGMC. (see downloads page)
- Map & Directions to the Camp (see downloads page)
- Promotional Posters - available for order through My Healthy Church.
- Promotional Postcards - distributed by districts and the national office to share key camp info.
Registration is now open. Special pricing is available to all chartered Royal Rangers groups. Details and fees can be found on the registration page.
Contact Us
PHONE: (417) 862-2781, Ext 4181
E-MAIL: [email protected]