Shooting Sports & Archery

We will have a variety of shooting sports activities at Camporama--archery, BB gun, air rifle, black powder, small bore rifle, and trap. There are will times for open shooting for any Camporama attendee who wants to experience those activities. There will also we times for competition for some of the events. If you want to compete in one of the shooting sports events, go to the Downloads page and read the rules for that event and complete the registration form. There are no fees to register for the competitions; however, you must preregister. The Shooting Sports Events Overview will provide a brief overview and a schedule of all the open and competition times during Camporama.

NSSP Events

  1. ArcheryOpen
  2. Archery – Individual Competition
  3. BB GunOpen
  4. BB Gun – Team & Individual Competition
  5. .177 Sporter Air RifleOpen
  6. .177 Sporter Air Rifle – Individual Competition
  7. .22 Small Bore Rifle – Open
  8. Trap (20 & 12 Gauge)Open
  9. FCF MuzzleloaderOpen
  10. FCF Muzzleloader Competition

Note: All “Open” events are for fun and will not be judged for awards.


Registration is now open. Special pricing is available to all chartered Royal Rangers groups. Details and fees can be found on the registration page.

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©2025  The National Royal Rangers Office | 1445 N Boonville Ave. Springfield, MO 65802. | All rights reserved.