My Story

National Camporama is an event like none other in Royal Rangers and all who attend go home with memories and stories of their experiences there.  The best memories and stories are those we share with others, and we would love to hear yours.  Follow the links below to tell us about your experiences at National Camporama.  We're looking forward to hearing from you.

Tell Us Your Story

Follow this link to share your personal story of your spiritual experiences of Camporama and how it impacted you:  My Story

Complete the Event Survey

Use this link to complete a brief survey and share your feedback on Camporama.  Your participation will help us to ensure the next Camporama is better than ever! - Camporama Event Survey.


Registration is now open. Special pricing is available to all chartered Royal Rangers groups. Details and fees can be found on the registration page.

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PHONE: (417) 862-2781, Ext 4181
E-MAIL: [email protected]

©2024  The National Royal Rangers Office | 1445 N Boonville Ave. Springfield, MO 65802. | All rights reserved.